During my undergrad I had a tendency to overload my schedule. There were so many things that I wanted to do – study engineering, work, run student orgs, etc. So one Christmas break, when things had died down for a bit, I was bored, flipped on the tube (yes, that would be the TV) and started watching soap operas. (yes, I was that bored!) However, luckily for me, one of the characters made an analogy that day that I still carry with me. I’ve elaborated it/changed it up a bit to more fit the point I try to get across though.
And then it stops. The semester ends. You realize that you don’t have to read any more readings, write any more papers, go to any more classes. And for some reason you are so accustomed to all the crazy business, you almost want someone to come along and give that globe another shake… almost..